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Pintura al óleo blanca

Benefits of Orange Peel

Writer: Johanice De JesusJohanice De Jesus

I know that like the vast majority of people, when you enjoy a delicious fresh orange, you get rid of the peel, and that is why today I want to talk to you a little about the treasure that you are throwing away and how you could enjoy all the benefits. that the orange peel has to recommend you and you can get the most out of it for the benefit of your health. Orange peel is antibacterial! Since orange peel has a high concentration of phenolic and antioxidant compounds that in turn give the orange peel antimicrobial and bactericidal qualities. Orange peel can help fight in a 100% natural way a large series of harmful pathogens including the dreaded E. Coli that causes diarrhea, urinary tract infections, respiratory diseases and bloodstream infections.

What other benefits can you get from orange peel?

1) Helps in weight loss

Orange peel promotes the elimination of fat, and it is highly recommended to consume it as an infusion, making it an excellent accompaniment to your diet. Below we leave the instructions so you can prepare this simple infusion.

You will only need:

The skin of 1 orange

1 piece of cinnamon

1 Star of Anise.

1/2 teaspoon of Stevia.

You will only have to heat water, grate the orange peel and let it rest for three to five minutes.

2) Fight heartburn

Orange peel contains active ingredients that have an alkaline effect that reduces stomach acidity. For this reason, consuming orange peel infusion balances the pH at times when there may be digestive problems.

3) It is Antibacterial

As I mentioned previously, the natural extracts of this ingredient have a high concentration of phenolic compounds and antioxidants that, in turn, give it antimicrobial and bactericidal qualities.

4) Prevents and combats respiratory diseases

Orange peel is very rich in vitamin C and this same vitamin C is essential to strengthen the immune system. The antioxidants found in it will help you avoid numerous respiratory problems such as bronchitis, colds, asthma, lung cancer or nasal congestion.

Orange Peel in Aromatherapy

Orange peel is very useful in aromatherapy, it is prepared into exquisite, macerated oils to be used in therapeutic massages, reiki therapies, roll one to carry in your purse and diffusers for the car or home. But what benefits does macerate orange oil give us?

*Stimulates the senses

* Provides a positive mood

* Clear your mind

* Promotes concentration

Does Orange Peel have any contraindications?

We should not eat the orange peel directly, especially larger pieces at a time, they could cause stomach discomfort, such as cramps, vomiting, diarrhea or stomach ulcers.

We know as you already mentioned that Vitamin C is essential for the immune system, but we must always apply the rule of moderation and take the appropriate doses according to the specific needs of each person since overdoses of Vitamin C can add more iron than necessary and affect the tissues.

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