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Menthol & Eucalypto Chest Balm Vs commercial Vaporub.

Have you ever looked at the ingredients in store-bought mentholated breast creams? When you're congested, your eyes are cloudy and you feel like your body is going to fall apart, it doesn't even cross your mind to read the ingredients, I warn you that you won't like discovering that you just rubbed your chest with a mixture of derivatives of oil hoping that it will give your respiratory tract some relief and you have just innocently made a serious mistake that can have serious consequences for your health. Classic over-the-counter waltzes typically have less than 10% herbal ingredients and about 90% petrolatum in gel or cream form, which is usually combined with turpentine. When petrolatum is not properly or thoroughly refined, as it sometimes is in the US, it can be contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are known carcinogens, most commonly when used for an extended period of time . Fortunately, there are excellent natural and organic chest massage products on the market that can offer you honest and safe relief for your health and the health of your entire family, including the little ones, with all the benefits of herbs and no carcinogenic ingredients. such as: Vaseline, Vaseline or P.A.H.S. contaminants.

For this reason, we wanted to share this information with you since in this pandemic crisis that covit-19 has brought us, we turn to these products in search of relief. If this is your case, I invite you to always look for a natural alternative. A sincere and trusting relief. And of course we have one available at always thinking about your well-being!

Natural Life Tree

live simple and natural

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