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Pintura al óleo blanca

Ingredients: burdock, milk thistle, green rooibos, cinnamon, lemon balm, dandelion root, mint leaves
Caffeine level: caffeine free
Preparation: 1-2 tablespoons per cup, let stand at 212 F for 5 minutes.

Tea-Tox liver tea

Cleanse your body with this powerful herbal wellness blend. Burdock stimulates the production of bile and is a cleansing plant. Milk Thistie Helps to repair and regenerate the liver, making it useful in cases of hepatitis, cirrhosis and damage caused by alcohol. It is useful in case of poisoning by fungi or drugs. It helps in the digestion of fats, which makes it difficult for them to enter liver cells. It is anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antioxidant, astringent, promotes circulation, reduces bleeding, diuretic, lowers blood glucose, helps reduce triglycerides. Cinnamon is a source of iron, calcium, fiber, vitamin C, B1 and selenium is beneficial for cholesterol and for the brain. Lemon Balm helps you control anxiety, depression, stress and insomnia, it is an antioxidant, it protects your skin, it helps in the prevention of cancer. Dandelion improves bone health, treats liver disorders, helps control diabetes, and reduces fluid retention. Peppermint improves digestion, eliminates inflammation, relaxes your body and mind, helps strengthen your immune system.


Information according to herbal literature and for educational purposes only.

Always consult your doctor!

Through this page we do not intend to diagnose or cure any condition or health problem. We only sell herbal blends for tea as part of your daily diet.
If you are allergic to any plant, fruit, vegetable or root, always consult your doctor.
If any allergies or conditions arise, we are NOT responsible. No one knows your body better than ever before consulting the ingredient list.


Ingredients: burdock, milk thistle, green rooibos, cinnamon, lemon balm, dandelion root, mint leaves
Caffeine level: caffeine free
Preparation: 1-2 tablespoons per cup, let stand at 212 F for 5 minutes.

Tea-Tox liver tea

Cleanse your body with this powerful herbal wellness blend. Burdock stimulates the production of bile and is a cleansing plant. Milk Thistie Helps to repair and regenerate the liver, making it useful in cases of hepatitis, cirrhosis and damage caused by alcohol. It is useful in case of poisoning by fungi or drugs. It helps in the digestion of fats, which makes it difficult for them to enter liver cells. It is anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antioxidant, astringent, promotes circulation, reduces bleeding, diuretic, lowers blood glucose, helps reduce triglycerides. Cinnamon is a source of iron, calcium, fiber, vitamin C, B1 and selenium is beneficial for cholesterol and for the brain. Lemon Balm helps you control anxiety, depression, stress and insomnia, it is an antioxidant, it protects your skin, it helps in the prevention of cancer. Dandelion improves bone health, treats liver disorders, helps control diabetes, and reduces fluid retention. Peppermint improves digestion, removes inflammation, relaxes the body and mind, and helps strengthen the immune system.


Information according to herbal literature and for educational purposes only.

Always consult your doctor!

Through this page we do not intend to diagnose or cure any condition or health problem. We only sell herbal blends for tea as part of your daily diet.
If you are allergic to any plant, fruit, vegetable Always Remember
  Consult  your doctor.
If there are any allergies or conditions, we are NOT responsible. No one knows your body better than ever before consulting the ingredient list.

Liver Tea-Tox Tea / Detox and Cleanse the Liver

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  • Due to the nature of our products we do NOT accept returns, we consider each sale as final. We encourage you to carefully select your products and verify the compounds and ingredients. Make sure you are NOT allergic to any plants, fruits, vegetables, or roots. Once you select and process your purchase, we understand that you selected the product you were looking for and it fits your need. If you have any allergies or contraindications, we will NOT be responsible. Natural Life Tree does not pretend to diagnose or cure any health condition.



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