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Pintura al óleo blanca

Ingredients: Hibiscus, Rosehip, Elderberry, Echinacea, Apple Chunks, Lemongrass, Raspberry, Blue Cornflower.

Caffeine level: caffeine free.
Preparation: 1-2 tablespoons per cup, let stand at 212 ° F for 5 minutes.


Elder Wine

A full-bodied infusion with notes of grape and blueberries and an extraordinarily strong flavor. Elderberry is a diuretic and activates the intestinal tract, supports your immune system, and is very effective in fighting viruses. Hibiscus regulates circulation, contains flavonoids and is a diuretic. Rosehip rich in vitamin C and flavonoids and is an antioxidant. Echinacea boosts the immune system, helps prevent colds, relieves sore throats, relieves migraines, and many more benefits. You can enjoy this hot or cold tea.


This information is provided for educational purposes and is part of the herbal literature that is available.


Through our website we do NOT intend to diagnose or cure any health problem. We only sell herbal blends for tea consumption as part of your daily diet.

If you have allergies of any kind.


Always check the ingredient list.

No one knows your body better than you, consulting the list of ingredients is your responsibility. Natural Life Tree will NOT be responsible for any type of allergy or condition, remember to always consult your doctor.


Wine Elderberry Tea / Sauco Wine

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  • Due to the nature of our products we do NOT accept returns, we consider each sale as final. We encourage you to carefully select your products and verify the compounds and ingredients. Make sure you are NOT allergic to any plants, fruits, vegetables, or roots. Once you select and process your purchase, we understand that you selected the product you were looking for and it fits your need. If you have any allergies or contraindications, we will NOT be responsible. Natural Life Tree does not pretend to diagnose or cure any health condition.


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