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  • Have you tried Medicinal Mushroom Coffee?

    Natural Life Tree brings to the market a new proposal of coffee with medicinal mushrooms. We wanted to enter this market and like everything we put our brand on, it must be of high quality. We tried many coffee samples from different regions that were sent to us, but we wanted to use a particular coffee bean, one that was grown and roasted in Puerto Rico. After knocking on many doors, we were given the opportunity to export the bean to our facilities in Texas and we began to shape our project. You may be wondering why a coffee bean from Puerto Rico? The first reason is because Dr. De Jesus, founder of Natural Life Tree, is Puerto Rican and the second reason is because this coffee is really of a special quality. Although it was not an easy task and it required a lot of effort to bring the coffee bean from Puerto Rico, this coffee is worth it and we tell you why. A little history about Puerto Rican coffee. The Arabica coffee bean, which is one of the most harvested in Puerto Rico, was introduced to the island in 1736. This Arabica seed comes from Ethiopia. Arabica coffee is known for its pronounced aroma and strong but caramel notes, extremely pleasant to the palate. The conditions for planting coffee have a lot to do with the quality of the final product and Puerto Rico stands out in this aspect. The island is the only one in the world that contains the 7 lands considered as agricultural. This peculiar red soil that distinguishes us is ideal in minerals and nutrients for crops. On the other hand, the altitude of more than 3,000 feet above sea level is another ideal aspect for planting coffee. A bean with these characteristics undoubtedly had to be the key to creating our project. A little bit of Now the Medicinal Mushrooms This part was not so complicated since at Natural Life Tree we work with quality organic mushrooms, we just had to make the right selection to offer our clients the best benefits. We selected 10 of the best medicinal mushrooms for our project, including Chaga, Reishi, Lion's Mane, Cordyseps, Shiitake, Maitake, Turkey Tail Mushroom, King Trumpet Mushroom, Wood Ear Mushroom, and Agaricus blazei. Each of these mushrooms have impressive health benefits that we thought were ideal to be part of our project. With these fabulous ingredients we created Natural Mushroom Coffee by Natural Life Tree An excellent coffee with quality medicinal mushrooms without any added ingredients that can affect your health, just coffee and mushrooms. We created a formula that is NOT instant. It is a regular brew coffee that requires a conventional coffee machine or Greca. Our formula has preserved all the flavor of a cup of coffee with the best benefits that mushrooms can offer. Each cup of Natural Mushroom Coffee contains only 48mg of caffeine. How is this possible? Mushrooms when combined with coffee reduce the level of caffeine, unlike a regular cup of coffee that contains 98mg of caffeine. Natural Mushroom Coffee It's what you expect from a cup of coffee with medicinal mushrooms and much, much more. Like all of our natural products, we focus on making them taste great so you can enjoy them while healing your body and our Natural Mushroom Coffee is no exception. We are so confident that you will love it that you can subscribe to have it delivered to your door monthly if you wish. It is now available on our website We hope that you all love and support this product with the same love that you have for all of our other products available on the website. We are very happy to be able to continue offering our services to you and continue creating 100% natural and high quality products for you. We will see you in our next blog and remember to visit and Live Simple and Natural.

  • Benefits of Orange Peel

    I know that like the vast majority of people, when you enjoy a delicious fresh orange, you get rid of the peel, and that is why today I want to talk to you a little about the treasure that you are throwing away and how you could enjoy all the benefits. that the orange peel has to recommend you and you can get the most out of it for the benefit of your health. Orange peel is antibacterial! Since orange peel has a high concentration of phenolic and antioxidant compounds that in turn give the orange peel antimicrobial and bactericidal qualities. Orange peel can help fight in a 100% natural way a large series of harmful pathogens including the dreaded E. Coli that causes diarrhea, urinary tract infections, respiratory diseases and bloodstream infections. What other benefits can you get from orange peel? 1) Helps in weight loss Orange peel promotes the elimination of fat, and it is highly recommended to consume it as an infusion, making it an excellent accompaniment to your diet. Below we leave the instructions so you can prepare this simple infusion. You will only need: The skin of 1 orange 1 piece of cinnamon 1 Star of Anise. 1/2 teaspoon of Stevia. You will only have to heat water, grate the orange peel and let it rest for three to five minutes. 2) Fight heartburn Orange peel contains active ingredients that have an alkaline effect that reduces stomach acidity. For this reason, consuming orange peel infusion balances the pH at times when there may be digestive problems. 3) It is Antibacterial As I mentioned previously, the natural extracts of this ingredient have a high concentration of phenolic compounds and antioxidants that, in turn, give it antimicrobial and bactericidal qualities. 4) Prevents and combats respiratory diseases Orange peel is very rich in vitamin C and this same vitamin C is essential to strengthen the immune system. The antioxidants found in it will help you avoid numerous respiratory problems such as bronchitis, colds, asthma, lung cancer or nasal congestion. Orange Peel in Aromatherapy Orange peel is very useful in aromatherapy, it is prepared into exquisite, macerated oils to be used in therapeutic massages, reiki therapies, roll one to carry in your purse and diffusers for the car or home. But what benefits does macerate orange oil give us? *Stimulates the senses * Provides a positive mood * Clear your mind * Promotes concentration Does Orange Peel have any contraindications? We should not eat the orange peel directly, especially larger pieces at a time, they could cause stomach discomfort, such as cramps, vomiting, diarrhea or stomach ulcers. We know as you already mentioned that Vitamin C is essential for the immune system, but we must always apply the rule of moderation and take the appropriate doses according to the specific needs of each person since overdoses of Vitamin C can add more iron than necessary and affect the tissues. We hope that this information is useful to you, we invite you to be a participant in our blog through your comments. Feel free to let us know if there is a specific topic that you want us to do an investigation for you and it will be a pleasure. Don't forget to visit our website and enjoy the wide variety of natural products that we have prepared for your enjoyment with the highest quality that always categorizes us and will be until next time a big hug for all our kind readers.

  • Are B complex vitamins good for your brain or not?

    According to a study conducted by Dr. Naidoo, noted at Harvard University and author of the best-selling book This Is Your Brain Food, the best vitamin to keep our brain young and healthy is the B vitamins. There are 8 types of vitamins from the B complex, but this study places vitamin B9 (folic acid) as the key to maintaining a healthy brain. These B complex vitamins have different benefits but indirectly they all have an element that helps the brain function. Benefits of B complex vitamins. Beyond being vitamins that help the human body obtain energy through the eating process, they are also responsible for the formation of red blood cells for healthy immune formation. The B complex vitamins are insoluble, which means they can dissolve in water, so it is important to take an adequate dose and taking more will not make a difference because your body will eliminate the excess through urine. Where can we get vitamin B? Normally they are obtained through proteins, for example. Fish, chicken, beef, eggs and dairy products. They also like green leafy vegetables. Beans, beans that in other countries are known as beans or tender beans. The B complex vitamins that you should not overlook for their benefits are: Vitamin B1 (thiamine) helps with cell function and metabolism. A low thiamine level can lead to poor cognitive function, along with other problems in the body. Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) essential for the formation of red blood cells and DNA, but also supports the nervous system and the development of brain function. It also has more specific functions such as helping to break down (Homocysteine) which is a protein that is harmful to the heart and can also cause some types of dementia. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) helps with optimal neurotransmitter function and brain health, aids in DNA formation, and strengthens cellular detoxification. A low level of folic acid is associated with a low mood. In the vast majority of these effects of low mood, depression, anxiety, stress and anxiety, we usually go directly to controlled medications that are highly addictive and most of the time aggravate the situation and provide very little or no solution to the problem. If you notice a low ability to solve common problems of daily life, check your vitamin levels first hand and give your body the opportunity to respond properly when you give it what it really needs to do so. In summary, the B complex vitamins directly related to the proper functioning of your brain are: B12, B9 and B1. What would be the best sources to get these B complex vitamins? Yogurt if it is natural contains B2 (rivoflavin) and B12, Eggs as long as they are grazing have a high content of B7 (biotin), Salmon, which in addition to being a fish with an excellent flavor is rich in vitamin B2, B3 (niacin), B6 (pyroxidine) and B12. All of great importance for the functioning of the brain. But if you are one of the people who, due to your type of diet, does not consume this type of food and has to acquire these vitamins through supplements, I want to leave you here the correct doses when supplementing and remind you that you can visit our website www. where we have an excellent variety of 100% natural and high quality supplements. Recommended dosages of supplements: B12 vitamin Adolescents 14-12 years of age / 2.4 mcg Adults / 2.4 mcg Teenage or pregnant women / 2-6 mcg Breastfeeding women / 2-8 mcg Vitamin B 9 Children 4-6 years of age / 400 mcg 9-13 years of age / 600mcg Adolescents 14-18 years of age 800 mcg Adults 19+ years of age / 1,000 mcg vitamin B3 Adolescent Females 14-18 years of age / 14 mg Adult males 19+ years of age / 16 mg Adult female 19+ years of age / 14 mg Pregnant adolescent women / 18 mg vitamin B2 Adolescents 14-18 years of age / 1-3 mcg (males) / 1 mcg (females) Adult males 19+ years of age / 1-3 mcg Adult females 19+ years of age / 1 mcg Vitamin B7 Children 4-8 years of age / 12 mcg 9-12 years of age / 20mcg Adolescents 14-18 years of age / 25 mcg Adults 19+ years of age / 30 mcg I hope this information is useful to you and above all you put it into practice. Remember to visit our website and you can follow us through all social networks such as Natural Life Tree.

  • What properties and benefits does the Burdock root have?

    Hi, how are things? Burdock is a plant allied to the health of our skin, kidneys and urinary tract, and herbalists incorporate it into many of their purifying, diuretic, antibacterial and antiseptic remedies at the kidney and urinary levels. This is mainly due to its root, which is low in calories and rich in essential vitamins like vitamin C, E and even folic acid, as well as minerals like magnesium and iron that are essential for optimal health. If you want to know how you can benefit from this plant and learn about the properties of burdock, keep reading. Burdock has been used topically for centuries to treat chronic skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, abscesses, hives, ringworm, and acne. Topical burdock preparations are commonly used to heal superficial wounds and treat skin conditions. It is recommended to facilitate the digestion process, stimulate appetite and reduce the symptoms of some stomach problems. Additionally, burdock has been shown to be excellent for relieving pain caused by osteoarthritis and arthritis. Vernacular names: burdock, lampazo (Argentina). Description: biennial plant that reaches 2 m in height, with large ovate-cordate leaves, up to 50 cm in diameter, that form a basal rosette; It blooms from late summer to mid-autumn. How is burdock root taken? Image result for burdock root benefits The forms of presentation of burdock and its recommended doses are those that we summarize below: In decoction, about 40 g per liter of water, up to three cups a day. In alcoholic tincture, about 50 drops in three daily doses, with fruit juice or water. Burdock has purifying properties to eliminate toxins in the blood, liver, kidneys and colon. So, if what you are looking for is to eliminate toxins, have better digestion and a good appearance in the largest organ of your body (The Skin), this is a plant that cannot be missing in your home medicine cabinet. Leave us your comments and questions, tell us if this information has been useful to you and follow us for more information thanks for the support. If you are interested in acquiring this excellent root, we have it available for you on our website in the herbs and spices section.

  • Keep your liver healthy in a natural way and know the importance of this organ

    There are many questions when it comes to maintaining a healthy liver. Let's start by understanding its function in the human body. The liver is the largest organ in the body, weighing about 500 grams, is part of the gastrointestinal system and is in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen, behind the ribs. It is responsible for secreting bile, which allows waste to be transported and fat to be broken down in the small intestine during digestion. It makes certain proteins for the blood plasma. It produces cholesterol and special proteins that allow fats to be shipped throughout the body. Balances and manufactures glucose as the body needs. In simple words, it is a huge essential filter for the proper functioning of our body. Now let's talk about what things can endanger our liver Now let's talk about what things can endanger our liver . Alcohol . Energy Drinks . Processed foods Example: Sausages, Frozen foods, soft drinks, Fried foods, ect.... . Salt . Pharmaceutical drugs that discharge into the liver. Example: Erythromycin, Halothane (a type of anesthesia), Birth control pills, Anabolic steroids, Statins, Amoxicillin, Ect..... Some foods that stand out in helping to keep our liver clean, here are just a few: Avocados are an increasingly popular fruit for their multiple benefits. Asparagus. Turmeric. Artichoke. Green Tea. What diseases can our liver suffer and what does a sick liver look like? Not everything has to be bad news since our nature offers us excellent alternatives to maintain a very healthy liver and working in optimal conditions for the proper functioning of our body. . Let's talk in detail about which plants are good for the Liver Milk thistle has been heralded as the #1 herb for liver protection, but it is very important to combine it with other herbs to keep that liver strong and healthy. One of the herbs that should accompany milk thistle par excellence when it comes to the liver is dandelion. since the antioxidants present in dandelion favor the correct functioning of the liver, the maintenance of an adequate flow of bile and prevent hemorrhages in the liver. Another excellent root for fig is turmeric. The antioxidant effect of turmeric seems to be so powerful that it can prevent toxins from damaging your liver. This could be good news for people who take strong medications for diabetes or other health conditions that could damage their liver from long-term use. Burdock is another excellent herb when it comes to the liver. It improves liver function, stimulates bile production and helps lower cholesterol. It is antiseptic, antibacterial and antibiotic. Promotes recovery from colds and flus, relieves sore throat. It is taken when there are gastric ailments, since it reduces acidity. Another valuable herb when it comes to the liver is, Mint is one of the most common aromatic herbs around the world. Needless to say, the number of dishes, drinks and desserts that we can prepare with it. This herb helps improve digestion and detoxify the liver. But when and how often should we detoxify the liver? But when and how often should we detoxify the liver? If you feel fatigue, abdominal pain, swelling, heaviness is some of the signs that your liver needs to detoxify since an accumulation of toxins in the liver can make it stop working properly, these are some signs, but others may be more characteristics that there are problems in the liver. Such as changes in the color of urine and stool, stomach problems, skin changes or yellowing of the skin or eyes. For these reasons we must follow these feeding tips. #1 increases the consumption of vegetables and green leafy vegetables. #2 Make an ally of green tea. #3 Avoid smoking, consuming alcohol uncontrollably and fats. Do you think that all these measures overwhelm you too much? Natural Life Tree has already done the hard work for you. We took on the task of analyzing the most effective combinations to keep your liver healthy and help you prevent all these liver conditions. We created Liver Detox Tea, a delicious blend of tea that you can drink daily without any contraindications, and it helps you prevent liver diseases and improve conditions that could already be present in your liver, stimulating it to recontract since it has that wonderful power of regeneration that gives us the opportunity to reverse possible damage and existing minor damage. Liver Detox combines the following 100% organic herbs: . milk thistle . Dandelion Root . Burdock . Green Rooibos Tea . Lemon Balm . Peppermint . Cinnamon It is caffeine free so you can consume it at any time of the day or night. Visit us at i discover all the variety of 100% natural tea blends you work by skilled hands with high quality organic products at a price accessible to all since health should be within everyone's reach.

  • What is the correct way to prepare a loose leaf tea?

    First, place a basket strainer in a mug or teapot. Measure out the loose leaves in the strainer and pour the hot water directly over them. You must completely cover the tea leaves with water for them to infuse properly. After 3-5 minutes, remove the strainer and the damp tea leaves. Remember to use a standard measure to prepare your tea, for example 8 oz of water is equivalent to 1 cup of water and the ideal would be 1 tablespoon of the herbs of your choice. However, this is not a strict rule, you can add 1/2 tablespoon more if you like a slightly more intense flavor. Remember that natural herbs are very powerful, although you can add a little more, it should not be an excessive amount. Here I leave you images of the many instruments that are available to help you when preparing your loose daughter's tea, all available in our store if you are interested in acquiring any of them, we also have disposable biodegradable bags available. I hope this article is of your interest and your pleasure and you consider this valuable information! Greetings!

  • Properties of Calendula

    Calendula is one of my favorite plants when it comes to trying natural remedies for skin health. Calendula is antiseptic, healing, regenerates the skin and helps in the production of collagen. Calendula is extremely effective in treating conditions such as acne, eczema, cleaning pores and small wounds. In the herbal world you can find it in lip balms, ointments, creams and oils. Although its main use is in products aimed at skin care, it can combat conjunctivitis and eye inflammation, as it has important antiviral and antibacterial properties. An infusion of calendula will help you a lot with digestive problems such as indigestion, gastritis or vomiting. Information compiled from books related to herbology and scientific research articles.

  • Menthol & Eucalypto Chest Balm Vs commercial Vaporub.

    Have you ever looked at the ingredients in store-bought mentholated breast creams? When you're congested, your eyes are cloudy and you feel like your body is going to fall apart, it doesn't even cross your mind to read the ingredients, I warn you that you won't like discovering that you just rubbed your chest with a mixture of derivatives of oil hoping that it will give your respiratory tract some relief and you have just innocently made a serious mistake that can have serious consequences for your health. Classic over-the-counter waltzes typically have less than 10% herbal ingredients and about 90% petrolatum in gel or cream form, which is usually combined with turpentine. When petrolatum is not properly or thoroughly refined, as it sometimes is in the US, it can be contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are known carcinogens, most commonly when used for an extended period of time . Fortunately, there are excellent natural and organic chest massage products on the market that can offer you honest and safe relief for your health and the health of your entire family, including the little ones, with all the benefits of herbs and no carcinogenic ingredients. such as: Vaseline, Vaseline or P.A.H.S. contaminants. For this reason, we wanted to share this information with you since in this pandemic crisis that covit-19 has brought us, we turn to these products in search of relief. If this is your case, I invite you to always look for a natural alternative. A sincere and trusting relief. And of course we have one available at always thinking about your well-being! Natural Life Tree live simple and natural

  • Top 10 Benefits of Seaweed

    Nowadays different products based on seaweed are marketed and there are different types of seaweed available in the market. Today I will tell you about the most outstanding benefits of the Irish sea moss or as they are better known Irish Sea Moss. Without further ado, let's go to the TOP 10 1) Seaweed contains 92 minerals all of which are primarily important to your health. 2) They support 100% the proper functioning of your cardiovascular system. 3) They promote healthy digestion. 4) They create a satiety effect so they help you lose weight in a healthy way. 5) They are excellent before your exercise routine as they give you a lot of energy. 6) They promote the health and proper functioning of the thyroid. 7) They support and strengthen your immune system. 8) They improve the functioning of your metabolism. 9) They support the growth and well-being of your hair, skin and nails. 10) Improve Libido. The algae are prepared in a gel which makes their consumption easier. Here is the written procedure. Priority of Sea Moss Gel: Making your own gel is simple *Soak sea moss overnight in water. (use distilled water) *Preferably add a sliced lemon to the container with the sea moss *It will increase in size. *Drain + rinse sea moss. (consider saving this water to use as a facial rinse or add to your bath for added minerals) *Mix sea moss and indicated amount of clean, purified water. *Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator and consume within 3 weeks. *You can freeze it for an extended shelf life of 6 months. (Freeze in plastic container to avoid cracked glass) Ideal for all ages. It is recommended that adults consume 1-2 tablespoons daily. It's also wonderful for children to have as part of their daily nutrition! 1-2 teaspoons a day is enough for children over 2 years of age. We hope you will be encouraged to prepare it and leave us your experience here. Natural Life Tree Live Simple and Natural

  • What is the function of a Pillow Fragrance?

    What is pillow mist? It is a liposomal spray based on the benefits of aromatherapy, its formula is enriched with a high concentration of essential oils and sometimes spices with the sole purpose of giving your body and mind a reconstructive rest that allows you to recover your energy you need to wake up active the next day and perform better. How to use a pillow freshener? Before going to sleep, spray a small amount on the pillow and sheets. If you wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall asleep, you can spray the air freshener on the pillow again. The best relaxing aromas for sleeping according to scientific studies Lavender essential oil. Chamomile essential oil. Orange essential oil. Tangerine essential oil. Rose essential oil. Bergamot essential oil. Sandalwood essential oil. Lemon essential oil. Geranium essential oil. What aroma removes anxiety? The cananga flower or Ylang-Ylang has a rich and deep aroma when inhaled, it provides energy and increases optimism, reducing anxiety and depression. When this essential oil is used frequently it reduces the action of cortisol in the body. How do essential oils act on our brain? Essential oils interact with chemical sensors in the brain, thus creating a response in the body. These sensors are known as olfactory sensors; They live in the olfactory system of the brain, the part of the brain that regulates our sense of smell.

  • Benefits of Tonics, Waters or Flower Hydrolates.

    We have all heard at some point in our lives about floral water, but do you know what it is, how it is prepared, what it is used for or what kind of benefits it brings us? In this blog I will try to answer all the questions you may have about this wonderful product. What is a floral water? A floral water or also called hydrolates, are aromatic waters that are obtained by steam distillation of different parts of plants and flowers. Through this same process of distillation essential oils are obtained. What are the differences, if any, between floral water and hydrolate? The reality is that floral water belongs to the family of hydrolates. Which are all those that go through a steam distillation process where the only ingredient is purified water and the petals and stems of the flowers from which the aroma is intended to be extracted. Floral water, which uses flowers exclusively, is part of this great family. What benefits are obtained from the use of floral water? Although floral waters are less powerful than essential oils, they have many dermatological virtues thanks to their soothing, purifying and refreshing properties for the skin. There are many combinations of floral waters but I am going to mention 2 of the most common that we work with at Natural Life Tree. Rose Water Without a doubt, it is the most popular and the most exquisite in aroma. But do you know all its benefits? One of the best-known uses of rose water is as an anti-wrinkle, as it acts on expression lines and wrinkles, helping you fight the signs of aging on the face, neck and hands. Another of its uses is to regulate the skin's excessive production of oil on the skin. It is also very effective as an analgesic. In times of suffocation or stress, its use on the skin of the face can give you peace of mind due to what is considered its calming property. As if all these benefits were not enough, rose water provides antioxidant properties to the skin. It is highly recommended for skin with acne or rosacea. Lavender Water Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, tonic or lavender water helps fight the bacteria that cause the famous acne. It can also be used to reduce wrinkles on the skin of the face, neck and hands. It can be used in the care of wounds and minor burns. It is recommended to soothe itchy skin caused by insect bites or minor allergies. Another of its most common uses is in Cosmetology. It is sometimes recommended for the treatment of eczema. In the past, its use was very common in recovering from chicken pox as it calms itching and refreshes the skin affected by this condition, in addition to preventing dark spots from remaining in the recovery process. This product should be stored in a cool place and not exposed to sunlight. For a more refreshing result, you can store it in the refrigerator. I hope this information is useful to you, encourage you to incorporate these products into your beauty rituals and feel free to comment if you have any doubts or questions, we will gladly share here the best answer we have for you. Remember as always to protect your health in the most natural way possible and obtain your natural products from a supplier with experience in herbalism and the manufacture of herbal wellness products.

  • Have you heard of medicinal mushrooms? Today I present to you CHAGA

    Chaga is a mycological species with a long tradition in natural medicine where it is used to treat heart and heart problems in addition to different types of cancer. Since the 1960s, studies have been carried out on its action in oncological procedures, cardiovascular diseases and chronic diseases. Antioxidant properties are attributed to the Chaga mushroom, to reduce cholesterol, to help prevent or treat cancer (colorectal cancer, breast cancer, uterine cancer), pancreatitis, lower blood pressure, strengthen the immune system, reduce levels of blood sugar. The use of the Chaga mushroom as a cancer treatment and medicine has been approved since 1955 (excerpted from the book by Helen Farmer-Knowles from Gaia Publishing). In the rest of the world it has only been approved for its high antioxidant content, it is the natural compound with the most antioxidants in the world discovered so far. The chaga mushroom is a gem for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and disinfectant properties. It is also credited with excellent results in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. It is also used in the treatment of tumors located in different parts of the body. For centuries it has been used as a medicine to treat a wide variety of diseases such as digestive and liver cancer, tuberculosis, ulcers, influenza, arthritis, fungal growths, hepatic and biliary colic caused by gallbladders and is also attributed a great longevity ratio. In 1958, Russian and Finnish researchers discovered that Chaga had very important effects on various types of breast, liver, uterine and gastric cancer, as well as against hypertension and diabetes. Most importantly, in 2005, it was shown to produce indirect anticancer effects through immunostimulation, this research at one point, as known in 2008, Korean researchers discovered that the chaga mushroom may provide a new therapeutic option in the treatment of liver cancer. It is recommended that it be consumed under the supervision of experts in mycology and herbalism through natural medicine. How to consume the Chaga mushroom: The most common way to consume chaga is to make it as an infusion. The result will be a liquid similar to coffee that has extracted the active principles of the fungus. Once you get the dehydrated natural chaga that you can of course get from us at in the medicinal mushrooms section, heat 1 cup of water to 205f and place a teaspoon of chaga and pour into the water cover the cup with a lid for it if you do not have one you can buy them on our website also in the section of accessories for tea, if you cannot use a saucer, let it rest for 3 to 5 minutes. Sweetening is not recommended but if you need it you can use only pure stevia that you can also get from us. Another way you can consume Chaga is with your healthy smoothies or by including it in your coffee along with your coffee flour. Always use the same amount of a teaspoon of those used for tea and that's it. Ace of the chaga mushroom a custom as part of a healthy food in your diet.

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