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Services (6)

  • Consulta Inicial (Online)

    La consulta inicial por videollamada es el primer paso en tu camino hacia una vida más saludable y equilibrada. Con la Dra. J. De Jesús, recibirás una evaluación integral y personalizada de tu estado de salud, con un enfoque especial en la medicina natural y la desintoxicación de contaminantes y metales pesados. Todo desde la comodidad de tu hogar. Durante esta consulta, la Dra. J. De Jesús se tomará el tiempo para conocerte, entender tus preocupaciones de salud, tu historial médico y tus objetivos a corto y largo plazo. Juntos explorarán factores clave como tu alimentación, hábitos de sueño, niveles de estrés, y la exposición a toxinas ambientales. Esta evaluación detallada permitirá diseñar un plan de salud natural adaptado a tus necesidades individuales. Si es necesario profundizar más en tu estado de salud, disponemos de laboratorios especializados que pueden ser recomendados. Estos laboratorios ofrecen pruebas para detectar posibles deficiencias de vitaminas y minerales, así como la exposición a materiales tóxicos o metales pesados, incluso si no has sido consciente de ello. Las pruebas se envían directamente a tu domicilio para mayor conveniencia. Cabe destacar que esta opción es completamente opcional y tiene un costo adicional; la decisión de realizarlas queda en manos del cliente. Se te proporcionarán recomendaciones iniciales para comenzar a mejorar tu salud, que podrían incluir cambios en la dieta, suplementación natural, terapias de desintoxicación y estrategias para mejorar tu energía y vitalidad. Todo con un enfoque holístico que considera tu cuerpo, mente y entorno. La consulta inicial por videollamada es una opción ideal si prefieres recibir orientación profesional sin necesidad de desplazarte. Este formato te permite sentirte cómodo mientras recibes atención cercana y profesional, sin importar tu ubicación. Comienza hoy mismo tu camino hacia una vida más saludable con el apoyo experto de la Dra. J. De Jesús, quien te guiará a lo largo de todo el proceso, ayudándote a alcanzar un bienestar óptimo de manera natural y sostenible.

  • Llamada de Seguimiento

    Consulta de Seguimiento de 30 Minutos en Medicina Natural con la Dra. J. De Jesús: La consulta de seguimiento de 30 minutos con la Dra. J. De Jesús es una oportunidad para revisar y ajustar tu plan de salud natural, asegurando que continúes avanzando hacia tus objetivos de bienestar. Esta sesión está diseñada para ofrecerte una atención continua y personalizada, ayudándote a mantener el rumbo hacia una vida más equilibrada y saludable. Durante esta consulta, se evaluarán los progresos que has realizado desde la última sesión, incluyendo cualquier cambio en tus síntomas, niveles de energía, y la efectividad de las recomendaciones previas. La Dra. J. De Jesús se tomará el tiempo para discutir en detalle cualquier preocupación o desafío que hayas encontrado, así como para ajustar tu plan de salud según sea necesario. La consulta de seguimiento abarca una variedad de aspectos clave de la medicina natural, desde la revisión de tu dieta y hábitos de vida, hasta la evaluación de cualquier terapia de desintoxicación o suplementación en curso. Se te proporcionarán recomendaciones adicionales y estrategias personalizadas para continuar mejorando tu salud y bienestar, siempre con un enfoque holístico que considera tu cuerpo, mente y entorno. Si en el transcurso de la consulta surgen nuevas inquietudes o se identifican áreas que requieren atención adicional, podríamos sugerir la opción de realizar un análisis de laboratorio. Esto incluye pruebas para medir niveles de vitaminas, minerales, enzimas y la posible presencia de toxinas en tu organismo. Si aún no te has sometido a estas pruebas, pueden ser útiles para obtener una guía más precisa y eficaz en el proceso de mejora de tu salud. Además, para mayor comodidad, estos laboratorios pueden enviarse directamente a tu casa, eliminando la necesidad de que te desplaces a un centro especializado. La llamada de 30 minutos es una opción conveniente y flexible, ideal para mantener un contacto regular sin necesidad de desplazamientos. Aprovecha esta oportunidad para recibir atención continua y adaptada a tus necesidades, asegurando que tu camino hacia el bienestar sea lo más fluido y efectivo posible. Continúa tu viaje hacia una vida más saludable con la guía experta de la Dra. J. De Jesús, quien se compromete a ofrecerte un seguimiento personalizado y eficaz para optimizar tu salud natural.

  • Consulta de seguimiento (Online)

    Consulta de seguimiento por videollamada con la Dra. J. De Jesús: Nuestro servicio de videollamada para consultas de seguimiento ofrece un enfoque personalizado para garantizar que avances hacia tu bienestar de manera eficaz, todo desde la comodidad de tu hogar. La Dra. J. De Jesús evaluará tus progresos y ajustará tu plan de salud natural según tus necesidades y objetivos. Durante esta sesión, revisaremos los resultados de las recomendaciones anteriores, como cambios en tu estilo de vida, planes de desintoxicación o suplementación natural. Evaluaremos cualquier síntoma, mejora o desafío que hayas experimentado, y se te proporcionará orientación personalizada para seguir avanzando hacia un estado óptimo de salud. La consulta de seguimiento por videollamada está diseñada para ofrecerte el apoyo constante que necesitas para mantenerte en el camino correcto. Tendrás la oportunidad de hacer preguntas, compartir tus preocupaciones y recibir recomendaciones adicionales para equilibrar tu cuerpo de manera natural, desintoxicándote de metales pesados y otros agentes contaminantes. Ya sea que estés buscando mejorar tu energía, fortalecer tu sistema inmunológico o continuar tu proceso de desintoxicación, la Dra. J. De Jesús estará contigo en cada paso del camino. El formato de videollamada es una opción conveniente que te permite recibir atención personalizada, sin importar dónde te encuentres. Tu bienestar es nuestra prioridad, y nuestro objetivo es seguir avanzando juntos hacia una vida más saludable y equilibrada, con la guía experta de la Dra. J. De Jesús.

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Blog Posts (13)

  • Have you tried Medicinal Mushroom Coffee?

    Natural Life Tree brings to the market a new proposal of coffee with medicinal mushrooms. We wanted to enter this market and like everything we put our brand on, it must be of high quality. We tried many coffee samples from different regions that were sent to us, but we wanted to use a particular coffee bean, one that was grown and roasted in Puerto Rico. After knocking on many doors, we were given the opportunity to export the bean to our facilities in Texas and we began to shape our project. You may be wondering why a coffee bean from Puerto Rico? The first reason is because Dr. De Jesus, founder of Natural Life Tree, is Puerto Rican and the second reason is because this coffee is really of a special quality. Although it was not an easy task and it required a lot of effort to bring the coffee bean from Puerto Rico, this coffee is worth it and we tell you why. A little history about Puerto Rican coffee. The Arabica coffee bean, which is one of the most harvested in Puerto Rico, was introduced to the island in 1736. This Arabica seed comes from Ethiopia. Arabica coffee is known for its pronounced aroma and strong but caramel notes, extremely pleasant to the palate. The conditions for planting coffee have a lot to do with the quality of the final product and Puerto Rico stands out in this aspect. The island is the only one in the world that contains the 7 lands considered as agricultural. This peculiar red soil that distinguishes us is ideal in minerals and nutrients for crops. On the other hand, the altitude of more than 3,000 feet above sea level is another ideal aspect for planting coffee. A bean with these characteristics undoubtedly had to be the key to creating our project. A little bit of Now the Medicinal Mushrooms This part was not so complicated since at Natural Life Tree we work with quality organic mushrooms, we just had to make the right selection to offer our clients the best benefits. We selected 10 of the best medicinal mushrooms for our project, including Chaga, Reishi, Lion's Mane, Cordyseps, Shiitake, Maitake, Turkey Tail Mushroom, King Trumpet Mushroom, Wood Ear Mushroom, and Agaricus blazei. Each of these mushrooms have impressive health benefits that we thought were ideal to be part of our project. With these fabulous ingredients we created Natural Mushroom Coffee by Natural Life Tree An excellent coffee with quality medicinal mushrooms without any added ingredients that can affect your health, just coffee and mushrooms. We created a formula that is NOT instant. It is a regular brew coffee that requires a conventional coffee machine or Greca. Our formula has preserved all the flavor of a cup of coffee with the best benefits that mushrooms can offer. Each cup of Natural Mushroom Coffee contains only 48mg of caffeine. How is this possible? Mushrooms when combined with coffee reduce the level of caffeine, unlike a regular cup of coffee that contains 98mg of caffeine. Natural Mushroom Coffee It's what you expect from a cup of coffee with medicinal mushrooms and much, much more. Like all of our natural products, we focus on making them taste great so you can enjoy them while healing your body and our Natural Mushroom Coffee is no exception. We are so confident that you will love it that you can subscribe to have it delivered to your door monthly if you wish. It is now available on our website We hope that you all love and support this product with the same love that you have for all of our other products available on the website. We are very happy to be able to continue offering our services to you and continue creating 100% natural and high quality products for you. We will see you in our next blog and remember to visit and Live Simple and Natural.

  • Benefits of Orange Peel

    I know that like the vast majority of people, when you enjoy a delicious fresh orange, you get rid of the peel, and that is why today I want to talk to you a little about the treasure that you are throwing away and how you could enjoy all the benefits. that the orange peel has to recommend you and you can get the most out of it for the benefit of your health. Orange peel is antibacterial! Since orange peel has a high concentration of phenolic and antioxidant compounds that in turn give the orange peel antimicrobial and bactericidal qualities. Orange peel can help fight in a 100% natural way a large series of harmful pathogens including the dreaded E. Coli that causes diarrhea, urinary tract infections, respiratory diseases and bloodstream infections. What other benefits can you get from orange peel? 1) Helps in weight loss Orange peel promotes the elimination of fat, and it is highly recommended to consume it as an infusion, making it an excellent accompaniment to your diet. Below we leave the instructions so you can prepare this simple infusion. You will only need: The skin of 1 orange 1 piece of cinnamon 1 Star of Anise. 1/2 teaspoon of Stevia. You will only have to heat water, grate the orange peel and let it rest for three to five minutes. 2) Fight heartburn Orange peel contains active ingredients that have an alkaline effect that reduces stomach acidity. For this reason, consuming orange peel infusion balances the pH at times when there may be digestive problems. 3) It is Antibacterial As I mentioned previously, the natural extracts of this ingredient have a high concentration of phenolic compounds and antioxidants that, in turn, give it antimicrobial and bactericidal qualities. 4) Prevents and combats respiratory diseases Orange peel is very rich in vitamin C and this same vitamin C is essential to strengthen the immune system. The antioxidants found in it will help you avoid numerous respiratory problems such as bronchitis, colds, asthma, lung cancer or nasal congestion. Orange Peel in Aromatherapy Orange peel is very useful in aromatherapy, it is prepared into exquisite, macerated oils to be used in therapeutic massages, reiki therapies, roll one to carry in your purse and diffusers for the car or home. But what benefits does macerate orange oil give us? *Stimulates the senses * Provides a positive mood * Clear your mind * Promotes concentration Does Orange Peel have any contraindications? We should not eat the orange peel directly, especially larger pieces at a time, they could cause stomach discomfort, such as cramps, vomiting, diarrhea or stomach ulcers. We know as you already mentioned that Vitamin C is essential for the immune system, but we must always apply the rule of moderation and take the appropriate doses according to the specific needs of each person since overdoses of Vitamin C can add more iron than necessary and affect the tissues. We hope that this information is useful to you, we invite you to be a participant in our blog through your comments. Feel free to let us know if there is a specific topic that you want us to do an investigation for you and it will be a pleasure. Don't forget to visit our website and enjoy the wide variety of natural products that we have prepared for your enjoyment with the highest quality that always categorizes us and will be until next time a big hug for all our kind readers.

  • Are B complex vitamins good for your brain or not?

    According to a study conducted by Dr. Naidoo, noted at Harvard University and author of the best-selling book This Is Your Brain Food, the best vitamin to keep our brain young and healthy is the B vitamins. There are 8 types of vitamins from the B complex, but this study places vitamin B9 (folic acid) as the key to maintaining a healthy brain. These B complex vitamins have different benefits but indirectly they all have an element that helps the brain function. Benefits of B complex vitamins. Beyond being vitamins that help the human body obtain energy through the eating process, they are also responsible for the formation of red blood cells for healthy immune formation. The B complex vitamins are insoluble, which means they can dissolve in water, so it is important to take an adequate dose and taking more will not make a difference because your body will eliminate the excess through urine. Where can we get vitamin B? Normally they are obtained through proteins, for example. Fish, chicken, beef, eggs and dairy products. They also like green leafy vegetables. Beans, beans that in other countries are known as beans or tender beans. The B complex vitamins that you should not overlook for their benefits are: Vitamin B1 (thiamine) helps with cell function and metabolism. A low thiamine level can lead to poor cognitive function, along with other problems in the body. Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) essential for the formation of red blood cells and DNA, but also supports the nervous system and the development of brain function. It also has more specific functions such as helping to break down (Homocysteine) which is a protein that is harmful to the heart and can also cause some types of dementia. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) helps with optimal neurotransmitter function and brain health, aids in DNA formation, and strengthens cellular detoxification. A low level of folic acid is associated with a low mood. In the vast majority of these effects of low mood, depression, anxiety, stress and anxiety, we usually go directly to controlled medications that are highly addictive and most of the time aggravate the situation and provide very little or no solution to the problem. If you notice a low ability to solve common problems of daily life, check your vitamin levels first hand and give your body the opportunity to respond properly when you give it what it really needs to do so. In summary, the B complex vitamins directly related to the proper functioning of your brain are: B12, B9 and B1. What would be the best sources to get these B complex vitamins? Yogurt if it is natural contains B2 (rivoflavin) and B12, Eggs as long as they are grazing have a high content of B7 (biotin), Salmon, which in addition to being a fish with an excellent flavor is rich in vitamin B2, B3 (niacin), B6 (pyroxidine) and B12. All of great importance for the functioning of the brain. But if you are one of the people who, due to your type of diet, does not consume this type of food and has to acquire these vitamins through supplements, I want to leave you here the correct doses when supplementing and remind you that you can visit our website www. where we have an excellent variety of 100% natural and high quality supplements. Recommended dosages of supplements: B12 vitamin Adolescents 14-12 years of age / 2.4 mcg Adults / 2.4 mcg Teenage or pregnant women / 2-6 mcg Breastfeeding women / 2-8 mcg Vitamin B 9 Children 4-6 years of age / 400 mcg 9-13 years of age / 600mcg Adolescents 14-18 years of age 800 mcg Adults 19+ years of age / 1,000 mcg vitamin B3 Adolescent Females 14-18 years of age / 14 mg Adult males 19+ years of age / 16 mg Adult female 19+ years of age / 14 mg Pregnant adolescent women / 18 mg vitamin B2 Adolescents 14-18 years of age / 1-3 mcg (males) / 1 mcg (females) Adult males 19+ years of age / 1-3 mcg Adult females 19+ years of age / 1 mcg Vitamin B7 Children 4-8 years of age / 12 mcg 9-12 years of age / 20mcg Adolescents 14-18 years of age / 25 mcg Adults 19+ years of age / 30 mcg I hope this information is useful to you and above all you put it into practice. Remember to visit our website and you can follow us through all social networks such as Natural Life Tree.

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Other Pages (25)

  • Tisanas Funcionales | Natural Life Tree

    - Wellness Tea Blends - Organic Quick View Connecting Gaia Mushroom Tea Price $25.99 Add to Cart Real coffee NOT instant coffee Quick View Natural Mushroom Coffee Price $25.95 Add to Cart Muscular Pain Quick View Cookie Pain Less Tea Price $14.99 Add to Cart Quick View Meditation Purple Sage Tea Price $6.99 Add to Cart Quick View Chaga Mushrooms Spice Tea Price $14.99 Add to Cart Respiratory tract Quick View Breathe Easy Tea Price $14.99 Add to Cart migraines Quick View Headache Stop Tea Price $14.99 Add to Cart Thyroid Quick View Thyroid Tea Price $15.99 Add to Cart Ayurvedic Quick View Organic Chai Ayurvedic Tea Price $14.99 Add to Cart Fertility Quick View Women's Fertility Tea Price $15.99 Add to Cart Breast Cysts Quick View Breast Cysts Tea Price $15.99 Add to Cart Menopause Quick View Women's Menopause Tea Price $15.99 Out of Stock endometriosis Quick View Women's Endometriosis Tea Price $15.99 Add to Cart Anemia / Antioxidants Quick View Womens Amenia Tea Price $15.99 Add to Cart Fibroids / Myomas Quick View Fibroid's Tea Price $15.99 Add to Cart Menstrual Cramps Quick View MENSTRUAL CRAMPS TEA Price $15.99 Out of Stock PMS / Regular Menstruation Quick View PMS WOMEN'S TEA Price $15.99 Add to Cart Tension / Stress Quick View Bye Bye Tension Tea Price $14.99 Add to Cart Strength and Energy Quick View Vital Energy Tea Price $14.99 Out of Stock Recovery Kit Quick View Survivor Kit (Recover Soon from Viruses and Their Variants) Price $25.95 Add to Cart Load More

  • Herbs & Spices | Natural Life Tree

    - Herbs and Spices - 2oz Quick View burdock root Price $6.99 Add to Cart Kidneys Quick View Blue stick Price $7.99 Add to Cart menthol Quick View Camphor Tablets (Pack of 4 Tablets) Price $2.50 Add to Cart 100% natural Quick View 100% Organic Hibiscus Price $5.99 Add to Cart Natural Sweetener Quick View 100% Organic Stevia Price $6.95 Add to Cart Kidney Cleanse, Blood Quick View Palo Brasil (Haematoxylum Brasiletto) Price $7.99 Add to Cart Salt Free Quick View All-Purpose Aromatic Herbal Organic Seasoning Price $8.99 Add to Cart Seaweed Quick View Sea Moss / Seaweed Price $14.99 Add to Cart Quick View Arnica Flower / Arnica Flowers Price $5.99 Add to Cart Quick View Jasmine Flowers Organic / Flores Organicas de Jasmine Price $5.99 Add to Cart Kidney Plant Quick View Hourse Tail Herb / Cola de Caballo Price $5.99 Add to Cart Quick View Rosemary Organic Herb / Rosemary Organic Price $5.99 Add to Cart Quick View Yarrow Flowers Wild / Mil en Branch Silvestre Price $5.99 Add to Cart Quick View Yarrow Flower Organic / Mil en Rama Organic Price $5.99 Add to Cart Quick View Turmeric Powder Organic / Turmeric Powder Organic Price $5.99 Add to Cart Quick View Pennyroyal Organic / Pennyroyal Organic Mint Price $4.99 Add to Cart Quick View Rose Petals (Pink) / Pink Rose Petals Price $5.99 Add to Cart Quick View Rose Petals (Red) / Red Rose Petals Price $5.99 Add to Cart

  • Medicinal Mushrooms | Natural Life Tree

    Medicinal Mushrooms Organic Quick View Organic Dried King Trumpet Mushroom Price $16.99 Add to Cart Organic Quick View Connecting Gaia Mushroom Tea Price $25.99 Add to Cart Organic Quick View Organic Dried Shiitake Mushroom Price $16.99 Add to Cart Organic Quick View Organic Dried Woodear Mushroom Price $16.99 Add to Cart Organic Quick View Organic Dried Maitake Mushroom Price $19.99 Add to Cart Organic Quick View Organic Eastern Cauliflower Dried Mushroom Price $19.99 Add to Cart Organic Quick View Organic Dried Turkey Tail Mushroom Price $24.99 Add to Cart Organic Quick View Organic Dried Agaricus Blazei Mushroom Price $19.99 Add to Cart Organic Quick View Organic Dried Mane de Leon Mushroom Price $19.99 Add to Cart Organic Quick View Organic Reiishi Dried Mushroom Price $19.99 Add to Cart Organic Quick View Organic Cordyseps Dried Mushroom Price $19.99 Add to Cart Real coffee NOT instant coffee Quick View Natural Mushroom Coffee Price $25.95 Add to Cart Quick View Maitake Mushroom in Capsule Price $19.99 Add to Cart Quick View Shiitake Mushroom in Capsule Price $19.99 Add to Cart Quick View Turkey Tail Mushroom in Capsules Price $19.99 Add to Cart Quick View Reishi Mushroom in Capsule Price $19.99 Add to Cart Quick View Chaga Mushroom in Capsule Price $19.99 Add to Cart Quick View Cordyceps Mushroom in Capsule Price $19.99 Add to Cart Capsule Quick View Lion's Mane Mushrooms (Capsule) Price $19.95 Add to Cart Proteins, Collagen Quick View Nutritious, Easy, Quick and Instant Bone Broth Price $17.95 Add to Cart Load More Load More

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